Thuja Green Giant Arborvitae - 60 Live Trees - Evergreen Privacy Plants
- Grown, packaged and shipped exclusively by Florida Foliage. One of the finest evergreens for use as screening or a windbreak, this upright conifer is....
- Its uniform shape seldom needs pruning, but responds well to shearing. Thrives in southern heat and humidity. A durable, handsome accent tree..
- The green giant arborvitae is a large, vigorous, fast-growing evergreen—shooting up by as much as 3' per year until maturity. Its natural pyramidal....
- This is an exceptional landscape tree for use as a screen, hedge or single specimen. It is also resistant to wind once established and can withstand....
- You'll never have to worry about mixing chemicals or spraying these trees. Not prone to deer or bagworm problems. This is a tough tree. Resists ice....