Septic Tank Treatment Septic Problem Drainfield Restoration Treatment Patented Bacteria Based Enzyme Exxon Valdez Formula - Helps Eliminate Pumpouts, Removes Odors, Unclogs Drains, Reverses Backups, 100% Guaranteed Safe & Highly Effective. Bio-Safe One BIO-112 Heavy Sludge Disgeter - 5 Gal.
- ...! Totally removes bio-mat (grease) with patented strains of grease digesting bacter...
- ORGANIC, ECO-FRIENDLY & USA MADE: The active ingredients in our new & improved Bio-Safe One BIO-112 HEAVY SLUDGE DIGESTER are highly concentrated enzyme fortified aerobic (oxygen surviving) & anaerobic (non-oxygen surviving) bacter. Over 500 Trillion Fast Acting fast acting bacter that completely clean up your entire septic system!.
- NO PELLETS NOR POWDER, BIO-112 IS LIQUID: BIO-112 comes in highly concentrated liquid form: a 5-gallon pail. 55 gallon drums are available via bulk order. Unlike chemicals, it is natural, safe & effective. BIO-112 has a 5+ year shelf life. We are the sole vendor for this product. Don't be fooled by companies claiming to have the same capability as our patented formula..
- 100% Guaranteed to be Lab Cultivated Patented Bacter Formula. Backed by over 75 years of research & development. BIO-112 is the latest technology in waste treatment formulated by the same group of scientists that cleaned the Exxon Valdez oil spill. The active ingredient in BIO-112 Heavy Sludge Digester is highly concentrated....