Irish Dance Championship Length Poodle Socks"Stay-Ups" (Small)
- Authentic Championship length Irish Dance Poodle Socks. Your choice of "Stay ups" or Regular. 80% cotton, 20% nylon.
- "Stay ups" Have adhesive gel around the inside top to help them stay up. No more sticky mess..
- "Regular Poodle socks" Do not have the gel inside..
- Manufacturer Suggested Street Shoe Sizing. Petite: up to child 13 1/2-----Small:1-3 Child-----Medium:4-6 Adult-----Large:8-10 Adult.
- Manufacturer suggested Jig Shoe Sizing: Petite: 8-10 1/2------Small: 11-1 1/2-----Medium: 2-4 1/2-----Large: 5 and up.