Essential Oxygen Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 3%, Natural Cleaner, 8 Oz Spray With 32 Oz Refill
- It Works! The ultimate cleaner for 1st AID cuts and scrapes.
- Contains 1 – 8 oz HP spray and 1 – 32 fl oz Bottle of Food Grade Hyrogen Peroxide.
- It’s Clean! Free of toxic stablizers found in brown bottle peroxide. NON GMO. Great for homes with gray water systems..
- It’s Safe! Won’t burn like 35% or even 6% H202.
- It’s Planet Positive! It’s good for the environment making grass greener and oceans cleaner..
- HOUSEHOLD counters, surfaces, cutting boards, laundry, stains, toothbrush and baby gear.
- FOOD nuts, seeds, grains, veggies, fruit, meat, fish and chicken.