J.west iPhone 8 Plus Case iPhone 7 Plus Case 5.5",Clear Glitter Case Thin Flower Slim Cute Crystal Lace Bling Women Girl Floral Plastic Hard Back Soft TPU Bumper Protective Cover Mandala Henna
- Compatible with iPhone 8 Plus Case and iPhone 7 Plus 5.5 inch ONLY,Support Wireless Charging.
- This hybrid phone case combines hard PC back and soft clear TPU bumper material increased drop protection against drops & daily wear while keeping a slim profile and excellent grip.
- IMD (In-Mould-Decoration) Technology: HD vivid Color Graphic watercolor Printed under a Layer of PET, this print will never come off or fade.
- Beautiful 3D shiny glitter bling lace flower in white silver color, anti-yellowhard transparent Clear hard plastic back cover layered with iridescent sparkly Cute designed for charming girls women ladies.
- looks cool and attractive with fashion trend Henna floral..
- Cutout design for Speaker, Screen, camera and ports, easy access to all ports and connectors without removing.