Maxforce Fly Spot Bait is for use in and around Agricultural Livestock Production Facilities, Poultry Houses, Turkey and Chicken Houses, Cattle, Sheep and Goat Facilities, Feedlots, Dairy Barns, Swine Confinement Buildings, Dog Kennels, Horse Stables, Around the Outside of Commercial and Residential Structures..
Maxforce Fly Spot Bait Kills and Controls House Flies.
Invict Gold Cockroach German Roach Control Gel Bait 4 Boxes
In and around structures, including, but not limited to, residential, multi-family, commercial, industrial, municipal, institutional, research, recreational, health care, educational, daycare, hospitality and agricultural buildings and other man-made structures, garages, transport vehicles, sewers, animal rearing and handling establishments and food handling and food processing establishments..
Commercial, Residential, and Agricultural Facilities.
Target pests:Common house fly or lesser house fly. Does not work on other types of flies..
For use in: Commercial, residential, and agricultural facilities. Yeild 1 envelope is 2 oz. and makes 1 pint of finished solution. One pint of solution will treat up to 125 sq. feet. This product can be sprayed or painted on surfaces..