Mini Thai Dictionary: Thai-English English-Thai, Fully Romanized with Thai Script for all Thai Words (Tuttle Mini Dictionary)
- ...h high senstive and fidelity speaker,push the button on the device and hold it till you finished your speech,it will recognize what you said and speak out loud the translation result.Let you no worry about the noise from party etc.When it translates it audibly,but into text,on your phone as well and can replay.This helpful for learning more words in other languages and to practice pronounciation.And,if who you are talking with has limited hearing,that is helpful to them,as well.
- 52 languages(Chinese,English,Hindi,Russian,Spanish,Thai,Korean,Japanese,German,French,Italian,Arabic,Portuguese,Danish,Czech,Iceland,Croatian,Afrikaans,Indonesian,Tamil,Catalan,Filipino,Hungarian,Dutch,norwegian,Polish,Romanian,Slovak,Finnish,Swedish,Vietnamese,Turkish,greek,Serb,Ukrainian,Armenian,Khmer,Latvian,Nepali,Sinhalese,swahili,Tamil...).
- Easy to use,just three steps: 1,Connet the translator and smart phone through bluetooth.2,IPhone: search "ifanin" in APP Store,Android: search "ifanin" in google play.3,Enter APP,When the top of the interface to turn green,then choose the language in which you speak to each other(follow the instructions).Hope you can use it well....