Daily Language Review, Grade 5 Common Core Edition
- Vocabulary/word Study: base words, prefixes, and suffixes, contractions, homophones, phonics, rhyming, synonyms & antonyms, word meaning from context, spelling.
- Punctuation: punctuation at the end of a sentence, periods in abbreviations and initials, colons in time, underlining magazines, books, plays, run-on sentences, quotations marks in speech, songs, poems, and short stories, commas in a series, in dates, in addresses, to separate dialogue, in direct address/interjections, in compound sentences, after an introductory phrase/clause, with nonrestrictive appositives, and between coordinate adjectives, apostrophes in contractions and possessives, punct.
- Capitalization: sentence beginning, days, months, holidays, books, songs, poems, names of places, proper names and titles of people.
- Grammar and Usage: correct article, adjective, adverb, double negatives, singular & plural nouns, subject & object pronoun, possessive nouns, common & proper nouns, verb forms, verb tense, subject & predicate, parts of speech, comparative & superlative forms, subject/verb agreement, sentence types, combining sentences, prepositional phrases.
- Evan-Moor Educational Publishers (Author).
- 136 Pages - 12/31/2015 (Publication Date) - Evan-Moor E....