AURSINC NanoVNA SAA-2N V2.2 Vector Network Analyzer 50KHz-3GHz HF VHF UHF Antenna Analyzer Measuring S Parameters, Duplexer, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio, Phase, Delay
- ... 3GHz vector network analyzer, designed in collaboration with OwOComm. Under the LGPL license agreement, it is completely manufactured according to the v2_2 files issued by OwOComm at Development Department, in line with the original technical specifications,please refer to below path to get the firmware updated: drive. google .com/drive/folders/1Lr7AOTg2pAhYBZDfaiPVZTMZkFO14PMj.
- ✔️The SAA-2N/NanoVNA_V2.2 uses a similar user interface to the NanoVNA, but with a different technical architecture, the SAA-2N/NanoVNA_V2.2 does not load the initial calibration data at startup, and does not automatically interpolate the calibration data after the user changes the frequency, and must recalibrate or call back the calibration data after each startup and frequency change. Please read the user manual carefully before use to avoid damaging the device.
- ✔️Transmission Mearsure S21: 70dB(50KHz-1.5GHz), 60dB(1.5GHz-3GHz). Reflection Measure S11: -50dB(50KHz-1.5GHz), -40dB(1.5GHz-3GHz).
- Antenna Analyzer: 1.005(50KHz - 1.5GHz), 1.02(1.5GHz-3GHz).
- Flip Display, you can flip the display for your convenience usage.
- ✔️ NOTE: The new batch of SAA2N analyzers have been upgraded to the laser labeling on the control dashboard, so you might find it difficult to read....