LinagCuber Gans 460 M Stickerless Speed Cube 4x4x4 GAN 460 Magnetic Master 4x4 Cube Gans 460M Puzzle Toy
- GAN 460M features revolutionary GMC (GAN magnet capsule) technology to show all 96 magnets noticeably. Magnets are tightly locked into each capsule so....
- The GAN460M is endowed with total symmetric clips, high-strength feets and unbreakable blocks. Pieces & blocks are all locked up by clips perfectly....
- GAN460M comes with new 4x4 IPG built by merging iron and plastic and based on the 3x3 IPG design. Higher perpendicularity, bigger inner space, longer....
- Inner honeycomb surface reduces friction and endures lubrication.
- 40°/25° corner-cutting ability is optimized to the best degree. Gan 460 M has all....
- Adopting and upgrading GAN’s honey comb design,the Honeycomb design spread from contact surfaces to feets,resulting longer endurable smooth....