AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Certification and Beyond: Pass the DOP C01 exam and prepare for the real world using case studies and real life examples.
CERTSMASTEr Official Certified DevOps Executive™ DevOps-EXEC™ Certification Program Practice Exam Video Learning Solutions
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Certification and Beyond: Pass the DOP C01 exam and prepare for the real world using case studies and real life examples.
CERTSMASTEr Official Certified DevOps Product Owner™ DevOps-PO™ Certification Program Practice Exam Video Learning Solutions
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Certification and Beyond: Pass the DOP C01 exam and prepare for the real world using case studies and real life examples.
AWS DeepComposer – a machine learning-enabled musical keyboard for developers
AWS DeepComposer gives developers a creative way to get started with machine learning. Get hands-on, literally, with a musical keyboard and the latest machine learning techniques, designed to expand your ML skills..
Keyboard – Input a melody by connecting the AWS DeepComposer keyboard to your computer. Use the hardware buttons on the keyboard to control the volume, playback, and recording flow, as well as the built-in functions to create more complex inputs..
Console – Generate an original musical composition in seconds, using the pre-trained genre models in the AWS DeepComposer console. Choose from rock, pop, jazz, classical, or build your own custom genre..
Publish – Share your creations by publishing your tracks to SoundCloud in just a few clicks from the AWS DeepComposer console..
Build Generative AI models – You can build your own custom model and music with Amazon SageMaker..
Explore the portfolio of educational devices – Get started with reinforcement learning with AWS DeepRacer, and learn how to build deep learning-based computer vision apps with AWS DeepLens..
CERTSMASTEr Official Certified DevOps Information Security Engineer™ DevOps-SEC™ Certification Program Practice Exam Video Learning Solutions
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Certification and Beyond: Pass the DOP C01 exam and prepare for the real world using case studies and real life examples.
CERTSMASTEr Official Certified DevOps Quality Assurance Engineer™ DevOps-QA™ Certification Program Practice Exam Video Learning Solutions
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Certification and Beyond: Pass the DOP C01 exam and prepare for the real world using case studies and real life examples.
Google Cloud for DevOps Engineers: A practical guide to SRE and achieving Google's Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer certification
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Certification and Beyond: Pass the DOP C01 exam and prepare for the real world using case studies and real life examples.
View a summary of your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, Amazon S3 buckets, Amazon Route 53 hosted zones, load balancers, RDS instances, Auto Scaling groups, AWS Elastic Beanstalk applications, AWS CloudFormation stacks, AWS OpsWorks stacks, Amazon CloudWatch alarms, total service charges, and AWS Service Health status..
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2): Browse, filter, and search instances. View configuration details, CloudWatch metrics and alarms, and status checks. Perform instance lifecycle operations: start, stop, reboot, terminate. View block devices and create volume snapshots. Manage security group rules and Elastic IP Addresses..
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3): Browse buckets, view bucket details, browse objects in a bucket, view object details, and view or download objects using your browser. Your device’s browser will determine supported actions for the object based on the object’s content type..
Amazon Route 53: Browse hosted zones, view hosted zone details, browse records in a hosted zone, and view record details..
Elastic Load Balancing (ELB): Browse, filter, and search load balancers. Add or remove an instance from a load balancer. View configuration details, CloudWatch metrics and alarms, and health checks..