⭐️This is not a listing for an individual Airsoft part. No parts are designed for real weapons..
⭐️MATERIAL: Full Metal Slide, Outer Barrel, Upper Receiver / Polymer Grip. Lightweight CNC aluminum ported slide with an injection molded polymer frame that provides rugged reliability without sacrificing weight.
⭐️FPS: 300 – 330 FPS (w/ 0.20g BBs) Realistic blowback action with a smooth sliding slide that doesn’t stick.
⭐️ROUNDS: 28 Rounds (Compatible with Tokyo Marui, WE-Tech, and other similar Hi-Capa 5.1) Flare Airsoft magazine magwell that makes reloading quicker and easier (Gas not Included).
⭐️GRIP: Aggressive textured grip that provides a great grip when handling even while wearing gloves.
⭐️SAFETY: Ambidextrous safety lever with a functional grip safety beaver tail that is similar to most Hi-Capas.
⭐️RAIL: Integrated lower picatinny rail that allows for attaching lights, lasers, and other tactical accessories.
Elite BMX Bicycle 18', 20' & 26' Model Freestyle Bike - 3 Piece Crank (Oil Slick, 20')
Please select the correct bike size. 18″ Bike is suitable for 5-7 years-old (3ft 4″ – 4ft 4″). The 20″ is suitable for 11+ year old (4ft to 5ft 10″). The 26″ ( 4ft 2″ to 5ft 10″ /16+ in age).