EasyDens by Anton Paar - Smart Hydrometer - Digital Density Meter – Extract Content, Sugar Content and Alcohol Content - Plato, Specific Gravity (SG), BABO, Baumé, Brix, g/L, KMW, Oechsle, ABV, Proof
- EasyDens is a smart digital density and gravity meter.
- EasyDens for Beer: Specific Gravity (SG), °Plato, Est. % ABV.
- EasyDens for Wine: °Brix, °Baumé, °Babo, °KMW, Sugar concentration (g/L).
- EasyDens for Spirits: ABV (% v/v), ABW (% w/w), Proof UK, Proof US.
- Free mobile app for iOS & Android included.