Dan Winter Implosion Shower Nozzle - Phi Ratio Structured Water
- IMPORTANT NOTE! THE NEW, UPDATeD SHOWER NOZZLE IS NOW BLACK, IMPROVED AND ABLE TO HANDLE HIGHER PRESSURE. Implosion Shower Nozzle applying the Golden Ratio to the Physics of Water, Creating Life Affirming Water!.
- Included with purchase: Exquisite equation-based 'Implosive Spin' Nozzle assembly, prefitted to plumbing 'L' connector. Shower swivel mount. Shower pin mount bracket. Instructions. (Note: Threaded shower hose is not included. Many people already have this in their bathroom, and it is available at most hardware stores.).
- Your Shower Implosion Nozzle will ship by airmail from France. Handling time before shipping is 2 to 6 days..
- Benefits: More spin dense water molecules feel silkier. Spin density is washing ability. Sheeting action / laminar layering. Adds elegance and fascination to your shower..
- Uses: Home shower becomes a place to watch and learn implosion made visible. Education in how spin can generate perfect centripetal geometry. Mixing / spinning / the spray nozzle also allows water to absorb oxygen. Teaching the power of vorticity. Where water feels dead, the Imploder vortex adds feeling of LIFE! Thread Sizes - 3/4 in (corresponds to metric also) - male one end, female the other. Pressure: Normal house pressures ok - However th....